Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sad News.

*Thunderstar padded up to the rock, her eyes glistened with tears.* "Cat's of Eagleclan, my mate Sparrowflight is dead. He was found by a patrol, apparently a badger got him. But I did find a rouge cat named Embermoon, who wished to be my mate, and enter the clan. He will be welcomed, and Sparrowflight will be missed. His vigal starts now. *Thunderstar and a black and orange tabby tom pad to his body*


  1. *sits straight up waiting to see the dead warrior* i cant believe she got another mate so soon, but he is a tom. *whispers to siblings* im glad for her.

  2. OH MY I'm so sorry Thunderstar...
    ~Head hangs low~
    Are you ok?
