*runs and jumps over the rocks. plunges into the depths of the current. swims to dove kit, grabs scruff, swims to the bank, lets go of scruff, lays out of currents way, all of a sudden a wave came and hit wolf kit, e was drug under again. but dove kit was safe*
*Storm Heart swam over to the other side of the river, he places his paw on dove kits chest, and gently pushes, ater a second she coughs up water, then slowly starts breatheing again.*
*Dovekit* Wolfkit felt something press against him. She purred, and whispered. I am with Starclan. I will always be in your dreams. Take care of Rosekit.
*Rosekits tummy moves up and down as she breathes. She is unconsious, and is dreaming: She is in a meadow the sun is shining and she is jumping around and running from bee's. Swiping her paws at flowers*
*Dovekit* her misty shape, cried with him. She draped her tail over his shoulders. "Remember. Rosekit needs you. I can't be with you anymore." she floated back to Starclan, where she sat in a cloud, and cried, causing it to rain.
*Dovekit* Stormheart. Starclan is giving him a second chance to live. But only if he makes better choices. That is what your father said. He is looking after me.
*wolf kits breathing slows and deepens* hes dreaming hes with dove kit and rose kit playing, he runs, and plays, then all of a sudden, scourge comes out and starts trying to kill them.
Cloudbreeze sneaked through the fern, trying not to make noise. She was stalking a pheasant. Which was rare for it was leaf-bare and she WASN'T about to spoil this. But then, she accidently stepped on a twig! The Pheasant shot up it's head and began to run away. "Oh no you don't!" She almost screeched and tore after it. She managed to claw at it a little. But it was almost over the border! Then she had a idea. She began to out run it, and when it was about to go over the border she stood in front of it, blocking it's way. She lunged at it and made a killing bite. "Whew! Glad thats over! This can feed the Queens AND elders! Maybe even some of the warriors!" She exclaimed.
She scrpaed some dirt on the pheasant. She continued to walk through the forest until she saw two rabbits munching on food. She dropped down into a hunting crouch and stalked forwards. When only a mouse length away she quickly killed both and headed back to camp.
*slithers past, heads for the stream watch this! *he dipped his paw in the stream pulling out a huge silver fish. he did it again.* a fish! they are delicious!!!
"Woa! How did you do that?" She exclaimed. "I have to take my time to catch fish, I'm horriable at it!" She chuckles and manages to catch a small trout. "See?" She laughs.
Welcome to Eagleclan, the Swift, and Proud. We take pride in our ability to run as fast as the wind, and how well some of our elders teach us new things every day. We treat one another with kindness, and generosity. We are a happy, united clan of cats. We are family.
Winter is Here! Come out and play in the snow!!
Angelstar: Leader
Dark brown she-cat with a white chest and underbelly with blue eyes.
Gray tom with light green eyes. Also built like his dad.Mate: Lilysnow
Creamy she-cat with pale blue eyes.
Goldenstream:Warrior/ Med. Cat Helper
Brown tabby she-cat with ice-blue eyes. She is the med. cat helper, but still does her warrior duties.
Sparrowflight:Deceased Warrior
Sturdy bracken colored tom with glowing amber eyes. Mate: Thunderstar
Thunderstorm: Warrior
Golden brown she-cat with blue eyes and white legs. Mate: Embermoon
Hansome black,orange, and gray tabby tom with green eyes. Former rouge. Mate: Thunderstar
Gray she cat with glowing Green eyes.
Light gray dappled she-cat with green eyes. She is bold,outgoing, and loyal.
Gray and white she-cat with some black patches. Yellow eyes.
Light gray tabby she-cat with green eyes.
Brown tom with white and ginger patches. A stripted tail and blue eyes.
Mackrelfur: Warrior
Brown tabby she-cat with green-amber eyes. Is kind,caring, and loyal.
Dark ginger tom with blue-green eyes.Mate is Gingerfrost.
Black she-cat with red-blue eyes. Former mate of Scourge, likes Stormheart.
Smokey gray she-cat with deep green eyes. Mate:Thunderrain She is expecting kits.
Light gray tom with light green eyes. Mate: Windstream
Hollytail: Warrior
Fluffy black she-cat with green eyes. Ability to control nature.
Silverpool: Warrior
Light gray tabby she-cat with blue-green eyes. Ability to see underwater, and control it!
Russetfire: Warrior
Black, and rust colored she-cat with bright yellow eyes.
White she-cat with green eyes. Apprentice, Snowpaw
Dark brown tabby tom with long whiskers, green eyes, and a gentle heart.Apprentice, Graypaw.
A swift, thunder orange tom with green eyes.
Brown and white tom with green eyes. Mate: Rainstream.Apprentice, Goldenpaw.
Cream-white she-cat with amber eyes.
Tabby she-cat with unusual leopard print and yellow eyes that shine like the moon in the sky.Apprentice, Dustpaw.
Light gray-white she-cat with sea-green eyes.
Dark brown tabby tom with pale, bright green eyes.
Creamy brown and white she-cat, green-amber eyes.Brother- Prickletail
Hansome bright flame colored tom with amber eyes. Mate: Birdflight. Apprentice:Darkpaw
Chocolate tortoishell she-cat with dappled spots and silky fur. Dark green -blue eyes. Mate:Firestorm.
Black she-cat with blue eyes and a long tail.
Pure white she-cat with gazing blue eyes.Apprentice, Frozenpaw.
Light, dappled tortoishell she-cat with light amber eyes.
Light, gray and white she-cat with green eyes.
Pure white she-cat with bright green eyes. Sister, Yang.
Long-furred pitch black she-cat with blue-green eyes.Sister, Yin.
Light gray tom with darker, smokey gray markings and crystal blue eyes.
Light gray she-cat with white paws. Yellow eyes, with some black.
Dark brown tom with lighter stripes and green eyes..Apprentice, Streampaw.
Dark brown tabby tom with green eyes.
Dark brown tom with blue eyes and white paws.Whitemist's mate.
Golden and White tom with green eyes.
White tom with blue eyes.Apprentice, Brackenpaw.
Brown tabby tom with green eyes.
Gray she-cat with darker stripes and white paws.
Tiny golden she-cat. Green eyes, Thunderstar's sister.
Snowy white she-cat with amber eyes. Can climb higher than any cat.Mate:Goldenclaw.
Snowy white she-cat with glowing yellow eyes.
Muscular dark gray tom. Green eyes, and is a kind, yet ambitious cat.
Tan she-cat with a bold spirit. Aqua-Green eyes.
Gray tom with green eyes.
Gray she-cat with unusual lime green eyes.
Light brown tabby she-cat with a white chest and paws.Apprentice, Pebblepaw.
Dark brown tabby tom with white markings and dark blue eyes.Apprentice, Flowerpaw.
Golden brown tom with blue-green eyes.Apprentice, Sunpaw.
Light brown tabby she-cat.
Emberdust: Warrior
Ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
Golden tom with blue eyes and a white mark from chest to tail.Apprentice, Silentpaw.
White she-cat who loves the scent of flowers, and has blue-green eyes.
Golden she-cat with blue eyes.
Light brown tom with blue- purple eyes.
Fluffy white she-cat. Pale amber eyes, is very loyal.
Gray tom with amber eyes. Very muscular, and well shaped.
Bright ginger and orange tom, with green eyes. Long fur.
Sleek brown tabby she-cat with green eyes. A fast cat.
Light tortoishell she-cat with pale amber-green eyes. Is very kind and caring.
Light gray tom with white markings on half of body.
Tortoishell she-cat with a white chest.Bright, pale green eyes.
Long legged black tom with amber eyes.
Hansome brown tabby tom with bright green eyes. Mate:Frostleap.
Black tom with amber eyes. Built like his deceased father.
Pretty white she-cat with light green eyes. Fluffy, but when running, sleek, and beautiful.
Black she-cat with smooth, silky fur and yellow eyes. A very pretty she-cat.
Light brown she-cat with a white chest and amber eyes.
White she-cat with ice-blue eyes. Mate:Stormheart
Sweet black and white she-cat.Birchleaf's mate.
Pebblefur: Warrior
Black she-cat with hazel eyes, is strong and kind. Mentor, Runningdawn.
Silentstream: Warrior
Light gray tabby she-cat with pale amber eyes. Very pretty.
Birchtiger: Warrior
Brown tabby tom with green eyes. Strong, brave, muscular. Loves Ivypaw.
Light gray she-cat with hazel eyes and white flecks.She is slender, and outgoing. Mate: Dirtpelt.
Gray and white she-cat with light blue eyes.Mate:Jayclaw
Silver-white she-cat with amber eyes. Very loving, yet feirce. A pretty she-cat, her mate is Graywhisker.
Gray tabby she-cat with ice-blue eyes. Is a great hunter and fighter.
Gray tabby she-cat with ice-blue eyes. Mate, Onecloud. Kits, Honeykit and Cherrykit.
Bengal she-cat with a leapard fur color and Green eyes.
A white she-cat with blue eyes. Was a loner.
Snowy white she-cat with ice blue eyes.
Reddish-brown she-cat. Very gentle with kits, but will kill to protect her clan.
Ginger she-cat with green eyes. She is expecting Stormblaze's kits.
Black and White tom with green eyes. Former Med.Cat.
Golden tom with dazzling blue eyes.
Reddish-Brown she cat.
Black tom with a brown striped tail.
White tom with fluffy ears.
Light brown she-cat with a torn ear. Pale green-blue eyes.
Black she-cat with amber eyes. Is half deaf, with yellow eyes and a white tipped tail.
Tabby she-cat with brown fur. Dark amber eyes.
Light golden-brown she-cat with blue eyes.She gave birth to Smokecloud's four healthy kits on the hunting patrol trail under a holly bush. Mentor, Dirtpelt.
Shrewpaw: Apprentice
Dark brown she-cat with green eyes. Her sister is Thunderstar. Mentor: Meadowflower.
Gray tabby she-cat with blue-green eyes. She is feirce, kind, and loyal. Mentor, Jayclaw.
White she-cat with abrown muzzle and blue-purple eyes. Mentor. Lilysnow
Light gray tabby she-kit with ice blue eyes. Mentor, Leafclaw.
Black and Calico she-kit with amber eyes. Mentor, Brownfur.
Calico tom with amber eyes. Mentor, Volefoot.
Light orange tom with blue eyes. Mentor, Lightningstrike.
Misty gray-white tom with blue-green eyes and striped legs.Mentor, Tumbleweed.
Light brown tabby tom with pale green eyes. Mentor, Blizzardstorm.
Black and White she-kit with yellow-green eyes. Mentor, Thunderstar.
Sleek white she-cat with dazzling blue eyes. Mentor, Dovefeather.
Gray tom with yellow eyes. Mentor, Hareclaw.
Siamese she-cat with ice-pale blue eyes. Mentor, Firestorm.
Light gray tom with green eyes. Is very friendly, and protective of kits. Mentor, Hawkeye.
White she-cat with amber eyes. Mentor, Cloudbreeze
Smoky black tom with yellow-green eyes.. Mentor: Sharpclaw
Tulippaw: Apprentice
Tortoishell she-kit with fluffy fur and Amber eyes. Mentor, Lichentail.
Reddish brown she-cat with amber-green eyes. Mentor, Stormheart
Golden she-cat with feathery whiskers and a small nose. Mentor: Willowfrost
Small brown she-cat with blue-green eyes. Mentor, Nightclaw
Gray tom with silver-blue eyes.Blind at birth. mentor: Birchleaf
Dovepaw: Apprentice
Small, black and white she-cat with amber eyes. Mentor: Mackrelfur
Ginger and white she-cat with dark blue eyes. mentor is Cougarpelt
Wolfpaw: Apprentice
Hansome gray tom with green eyes.
Wasppaw: Apprentice
Hansome brown tabbytom with green eyes.
Ivypaw: Apprentice
Tortoishell she-cat with green-blue icy eyes.
Light ginger and white with amber eyes.
Flame orange tom with blue eyes.
Light ginger tom with blue eyes.Parents, Stormblaze and Hazelberry.
White she-cat with green eyes. Parents, Stormblaze and Hazelberry.
Light gray tabby she0cat with dark blue eyes. Parents, Stormblaze and Hazelberry.
Ginger she-cat with green eyes. Parents, Onecloud and Songbird.
Gray she-cat with white tabby markings and paws.Parents, Onecloud and Songbird.
Black tom with pale green-blue eyes. Parents, Smokecloud and Goldenheart.
Pale gray she-cat with faint white dapples. Amber eyes. Parents, Smokecloud and Goldenheart.
Brown tabby tom with amber eyes. Parents, Smokecloud and Goldenheart.
Gray and white she-cat with green eyes. Parents, Smokecloud and Goldenheart.
Dark brown tom with green eyes. Named after father. Parents, Dirtpelt and Rainstream.
Brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes. Parents, Dirtpelt and Rainstream.
White and brown she-cat, with green-blue eyes. Parents, Dirtpelt and Rainstream.
Gray tom with green eyes. Named after mother. Parents, Dirtpelt and Rainstream.
White she-cat with light brown flecks. Parents, Dirtpelt and Rainstream.
Snow -white tom with blue eyes. Parents, Graywhisker and Swiftspirit.
Gray she-cat with green-amber eyes. Parents, Graywhisker and Swiftspirit.
Light hazel-ginger and white she-cat with warm amber eyes. Mother, Leopardheart
A pretty white she-cat with blue eyes. Sweet and caring, has a crippled leg. Is in deep love with Wolfpaw.
Black tom with yellow eyes. Kind and caring.
Brown tabby tom with green eyes. Strong and muscular.
Pretty black she-cat with amber eyes. Sweet and loyal. Is in love with Wasppaw.
Brown tortoishell and white she-cat with amber eyes. Sweet and swift.
Grey tabby tom with white patches and grey eyes. Sweet and energetic.
Mistclan Banner!
Thornwhisker: Exiled Warrior
Dark gray tom with a aggressive nature, but is calm around his clanmates.
*gathers moss for nest, remembering how her mentor,Weedleaf, showed her*
ReplyDelete*Collects Moss For Bedding In Nursery.*Takes Back To Nursery.
ReplyDeleteCollects Moss For Elders.
ReplyDelete*Dovekit* Wolfkit?
ReplyDelete*pads around in the big scarey forest. jumps at every crack that the wind makes*
Wolfkit. *shakes. Her eyes darting from side to side. Rosekit pads forward as she shakes in scaredness*
*Dovekit* collapses on a pile of stones*
ReplyDelete"rose kit? rose kit!!" *runs to* "im sorry, i thought you were my mother."
ReplyDeleteWolf Kit
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ReplyDelete*Dovekit* wakes up as the stones under the moss roll down towards a river. She shrieks in pain, and holds on by one claw.
ReplyDelete*presses muzzle against hers, purrs lightly* "wait. *sniffs air* dove kit!!!"
ReplyDeletewolf kit
Wolfkit! *shrieks in joy* Why did you run off! Your MY hero and you are lots of things to me!!!Dont you EVER say anything bad about yourself anymore!!
(if she falls, she dies)
ReplyDelete*leaps forward, grabs dove kis scruff, and pulls up, until shes on flat ground*
ReplyDeletewolf kit
Dovekit looks up, and screeches. She didn't want to die. She was losing her grip.
ReplyDelete"are you okay?!!??!?" *scans over, sighs when he sees no major scratches.*
ReplyDeletewolf kit
*sighs, and looses grip. she screeched as she landed in the currents.
ReplyDelete*Dovekit* trys to stay above, but is pulled under.
ReplyDelete"what in star clans name were you thinking? being this weak, coming to a cliff, with slippery moss!!!"
ReplyDeletewolf kit
*Dovekit* keeps kicking, until she gives up. she couldn't make it.
ReplyDelete*runs and jumps over the rocks. plunges into the depths of the current. swims to dove kit, grabs scruff, swims to the bank, lets go of scruff, lays out of currents way, all of a sudden a wave came and hit wolf kit, e was drug under again. but dove kit was safe*
ReplyDeletewolf kit
*Dovekit* lets the water rush around her, making her tired, and exhausted. she was going to drown.
ReplyDelete*current swirls him round and round, he was going to die, a hero.*
ReplyDeletewolf kit
(Im confused)
ReplyDelete*Dovekit* her eyes were closed, and she washed up on shore, still breathing, but shallow. She was going to die. There was no way.
ReplyDelete*runs and jumps, he swims strongly after wolf kit, he finally catches up, he grabs his scruff and hauls himself and wolf kit out of the river.*
ReplyDelete(me too. Dovekit is the one who is in the water. Rose kit and Wolfkit are up there, and Wolfkit is being held back by Rosekit. okay?)
ReplyDelete*rosekit dives off the edge on the cliff. If WOlfkit would die, she would too!*
*he carefully puts wolf kit down on some moss. he couldnt hear or see breathing.*
ReplyDelete*Dovekit* breathes her last few breaths.
ReplyDelete"no! rose kit!!!" *wolf kit gets up, and limps to the shore, he dives in after rose kit.*
ReplyDeletewolf kit
*Dovekit* Wolfkit. I will always be with you. Lays still.
ReplyDelete*she closed her eyes and let the black water pull her under*
*Dovekit* Her body turned into a mist, and it floated her spirit up to Starclan
ReplyDelete*faits in black ice cold water*
*Storm Heart swam over to the other side of the river, he places his paw on dove kits chest, and gently pushes, ater a second she coughs up water, then slowly starts breatheing again.*
ReplyDelete*Wolf kit grabbed rose kits scruff, and used all his energy to pull her to shore, and haul both of them up right before the deadly waterfall.*
ReplyDeletewolf kit
*Dovekit is dead* look in the c-box. watch it all.
ReplyDelete*Storm Heart sees wolf kit and rose kit safely on the shore. he keep pushing dove kits pelt gently.*
ReplyDelete*Dovekit* Wolfkit felt something press against him. She purred, and whispered. I am with Starclan. I will always be in your dreams. Take care of Rosekit.
ReplyDelete*runs down to rose kit and wolf kit.* he leans over wolf kit first, he mutters "rose kit first."
ReplyDelete"dove kit, im sorry, i tried. i am honored to have known you."
ReplyDeletewolf kit
*looks over rose kit* runs and gets a bed of moss. he carefully puts rose kit in it.
ReplyDelete*Rosekits tummy moves up and down as she breathes. She is unconsious, and is dreaming: She is in a meadow the sun is shining and she is jumping around and running from bee's. Swiping her paws at flowers*
*puts marigold on scratches to help stop infection*
ReplyDelete*Dovekit* her misty shape, cried with him. She draped her tail over his shoulders. "Remember. Rosekit needs you. I can't be with you anymore." she floated back to Starclan, where she sat in a cloud, and cried, causing it to rain.
ReplyDeletestorm heart walks over to wolf kit. who is breathing hard and shallow breathes, he moans with exhaustion.
ReplyDelete*Dovekit* it pours rain, which is her tears, and she drops some of the hearbs to Stormheart.
ReplyDeleteStorm Heart looked down on his nephew. he meowed "all i can do is put marigold on his cuts, the rest is his battle."
ReplyDelete*rosekits tail flinches. In her dream she see's Wolfkit. They play but then he fades and she cries out.*
*pressed his muzzle against wolf kits shoulder* "im sorry, i should have watched over you better."
ReplyDelete*Dovekit* Stormheart. Starclan is giving him a second chance to live. But only if he makes better choices. That is what your father said. He is looking after me.
ReplyDelete*wolf kits breathing slows and deepens* hes dreaming hes with dove kit and rose kit playing, he runs, and plays, then all of a sudden, scourge comes out and starts trying to kill them.
ReplyDeletewolf kit
"my dad? ok, ill tell him, thank you dove kit, i appreciate this a lot."
ReplyDeleteFlamekit pads to thje shore* You take Wolfkit to camp and I will take Rosekit! *grabs Rosekits scruff and hauls her to camp*
*wolf kits eyes open, he smiled* and purred "i killed scourge and saved rose kit, and dove kit.!!! where are they, i want to tell them!!"
ReplyDeletewolf kit
*Dovekit* nods. she licks Wolfkit before saying goodbye, then disapears.
ReplyDelete*Cloverkit* rests her muzzle in her sisters cold fur.
ReplyDelete"rose kit!!! is she okay!!!" eyes cloud with worry and pain. he meowed "dove kits gone, isnt she??" *eyes fill with water*
ReplyDeletewolf kit
*Cloverkit* lets out a wail, that makes the birds flap away. DOVEKIT!! WHY!!!
ReplyDelete*Leapordheart* No! My kit! *dashes over, and falls onto Dovekit* NOOO!!!!
ReplyDeleteFrost Leap entered with wolf kit behind her. he had his head bowed. "im sorry for your lose. she was a great cat."
ReplyDeleteCloudbreeze sneaked through the fern, trying not to make noise. She was stalking a pheasant. Which was rare for it was leaf-bare and she WASN'T about to spoil this. But then, she accidently stepped on a twig! The Pheasant shot up it's head and began to run away. "Oh no you don't!" She almost screeched and tore after it. She managed to claw at it a little. But it was almost over the border! Then she had a idea. She began to out run it, and when it was about to go over the border she stood in front of it, blocking it's way. She lunged at it and made a killing bite. "Whew! Glad thats over! This can feed the Queens AND elders! Maybe even some of the warriors!" She exclaimed.
She scrpaed some dirt on the pheasant. She continued to walk through the forest until she saw two rabbits munching on food. She dropped down into a hunting crouch and stalked forwards. When only a mouse length away she quickly killed both and headed back to camp.
She skirted toa stop when she was out of breath.
*slithers past, heads for the stream watch this! *he dipped his paw in the stream pulling out a huge silver fish. he did it again.* a fish! they are delicious!!!
ReplyDelete"Woa! How did you do that?" She exclaimed. "I have to take my time to catch fish, I'm horriable at it!" She chuckles and manages to catch a small trout. "See?" She laughs.
*laughs* watch. *puts his paw in the cold water, waiting. finally a fish hits it, he pulls it up, and flops it on the ground*
ReplyDelete*she yawned*