Sunday, September 6, 2009

Elders den!!

Where the elders may rest peacefully.


  1. *Drops a finch and a squirrel at the hungrey elders paws.*

  2. Rainfeather padded inside, looking around at the Elders. She dipped her head in respect.
    "I know that I am a warrior, but may I please hear a story? I haven't heard any stories since I was a kitten."
    She curled up in a heap of dark tabby fur, putting her head on her paws and waiting intenetly.

  3. DAPPLEWHISKER- " Oh, well, this one time, when I was young, I climed up a tree, and found Thunderstar, then Thunderkit, stalking a squirrel along a branch, and she was So close to falling of, that I had to go and help her." She finished with a soft purr, and fell back asleep.

  4. Comes In, Drops Two Mice , And A Squirrel For Elders To Eat. Says
    " I Thought I could Leave THe Kits For A Few Seconds To Come And See The People Who Made THis All HAppen." Dips Head In Thanks, and Gratitude.WAlks Out Of Den.

  5. Makes Moss Beds For Elders, Remembers Story When Was Kit, Lets Out A Purr Of Amusement....... Smiles. Backs off, Turns And Leaves.

  6. Comes IN Silently Not To Wake The Elders. Drops Of What LIttle Prey In Den. Decides To Go Hunting. Bows Head In Thanks and Sympathy. Backs Out Of Den.


  7. Rain Stream And Her Three KIts Came Inside, Frost KIt Was Bummed That none Of THe Elders Were AWake For Her To Brag To, BUt Storm Kit And Smoke Kit Were Relieved So They Wouldn't Have To Hear THeir Sisters Boring Story...... Again. Rain Stream Could Tell What THey Were THinking And Whispered To THem " Don't Worry You Will Be Just As proud soon. And Anyway, She's THe Only Girl, Let Her HAve This One."
    They Let Out A Little Silent Purr Of Amusement And Then Understood What Their Mother Meant.

  8. Rain Stream walked inside, she saw the elders sleeping on their moss beds. *smiles* She Dropped the Mouse She had been carrying, and said ill come back with more soon, our piles running low, ill go catch some prey.

  9. *Deerflight* purrs "Thank you Rainstream. You are very kind to care about us that much. Although young Oceanpaw LOVES to hear our stories. I will come see your kits when my joints ease up."

  10. crow kit- "can i hear a story? my father said we could come!!!"

    Shine kit- "yes please!!!!"

    Comet Kit- "that would be awesome, we ven got permission this time!"

    mud kit- "you mean i got permission."he boasted

    Smoke CLoud- "calm down, im sure they will if you give them some space." smoke clouds tail curled up in amusement. he politley asked "if you dont mind, my kits would love to hear a story." he wrapped his tail around his kits and pulled them closer to him.

  11. *Deerflight* Why, of course! Let me think..

  12. *Deerflight* Okay. One time, when I was barley an apprentice, Thunderstar was a kit, Sparrowkit, (Sparrowflight) and me were in love. *purrs* but I had no feelings for him when he met Thunderstar. They clicked, and it was love. I moved on, to Thunderstar's old mentor, Weedleaf. We mated, and had one kit, Applefur. Weedleaf died a few moons ago, and i've been sad, but he walks with me in dreams. That is all I got! Hope you kits liked it!

  13. "thanks!! they loved it!!!and im so sorry for your loss."

  14. *Deerflight* "It's okay. He was suffering from hearing and eyesight losses, so he was relieved."

  15. crow kit- "i am sorry. i would never want to lose my mate, but at least you have a kit, and even when im a warrior i will want to hear your stories!"

    shine kit- "i wont because thats not how the warrior code works!!"

    mud kit- "liking dust paw when your just a kit, isnt how the warrior code works either!"

    comet kit- "daddy calling for us. thanks deer flight!"

  16. *Deerflight* "Okay, bye young ones." *purrs*

  17. "come on." smoke cloud meowed wrapping his tail around his kits and pulling them closer and crow kit meowed " thanks mud kit." mud kit just nodded in reply he was stareing at some one crow kit turned his head. his brother was staring at spruce kit!!!
