Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Prophecy!

Thunderstar awakes, cold and hungrey. She padded out of her den, and noticed something was wrong. Suddenly, she dropped to the ground, unconsious. She was dreaming she was in her old camp, further down the forest. When she was a tiny kit, she had made a small campsite their, and claimed she had built it. This time, when she entered, instead of it being empty, it smelled of cat. How is that possible? The thought burned in her mind. Someone must be using my camp! She quickly corrected herself. This, was her camp, where her clan was. That was a large bramble bush underneath an oak. Nothing more than that. But something troubled her. Out of nowhere, a large tuft of her fur fell down in front of her. She stiffened, and a prophecy blazed through her mind. Those who ride the shadows, can not be trusted.